Games and Interactives
I am currently working on a variety of different online educational games and interactives. Currently I'm working in R Shiny and Twine and expanding to Unity. Each of these games is designed to meet specific learning objectives for my students, especially as I continue to move more into online teaching. Follow the subpage links to play the different games I've made so far!
Finding Lake Chewaucan, a Unity game that allows players to explore how science in the Fort Rock Basin is illuminating what happened in the Pleistocene
Omomy-It's Amy's Birthi-dae, a Unity platformer whose educational value is truly limited. But I did include two facts about omomyids, which feels relevant enough.
SciCommbat, a hypertext science communication game made with students at University of Arizona every fall semester
"Is This Normal?" a statistics game built in R Shiny. You can also play a helpful interactive on normal distributions, or the extremely difficult first version.
Bloom's Taxonomy Cards, a sample of hypertext flashcards made in Twine for ISTA 116: Statistical Foundations for the Information Age
Damman Mammoth Tooth , a Twine interactive story that takes students through the fossilization of the Damman School Mammoth Tooth